Updates to Interlibrary Loan Services

PALCI – new ILL resource coming summer 2024!

The library has been a member of ConnectNY since 2006. This membership provided our students, faculty, and staff the ability to request print materials from many libraries across the state through a shared catalog.

ConnectNY is ceasing operations at the end of the 2023-24 academic year. 

We are pleased to announce that the library is joining the Partnership for Academic Library Cooperation and Innovation (PALCI). Our membership in PALCI will not only offer the same services as ConnectNY, it will also greatly expand the number of resources available through its extensive network of member libraries.

For more information on our transition from ConnectNY to PALCI this summer, please consult our PALCI page.

Le Moyne Free Little Art Gallery

Free Little Art Galleries (FLAG) are like free little libraries, but for art! It’s a small cabinet in a public space that’s unlocked for anyone to give or take a small piece of art. Ours is located in the Noreen Reale Falcone Library on the first floor. Anyone is welcome to take a piece, leave a piece, or just have a look around and enjoy!

The Free Little Art Gallery is maintained by us, our campus community. The idea is for anyone to contribute and take from the gallery.

  • To contribute, simply leave your masterpiece inside the gallery.
  • To take a work, simply open the door and have your pick!

Please be mindful to leave the gallery looking tidy when dropping off or taking a piece. 

Follow along on Instagram @lemoynelibrary and share your art with #lemoynelittlegallery or #lemoyneFLAG Want to find other free little art galleries? Find them on this map! Email library@lemoyne.edu with any questions.

Le Moyne’s Free Little Art Gallery

The gallery is free and open to the public during regular library hours. For more information, call (315) 445-4333.