MathSciNet Database from EBSCOhost

Alternative versions of the database, “MathSciNet: Mathematical Reviews” are now available from both the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and EBSCOhost. Both versions should have essentially the same content, but the search interfaces have different strengths. See which one you like best.

The AMS version has a clean search interface and has an unique internal linking system that lets you explore the database by author, publication, and Math Reviews classification system numbers. The AMS version also provides citation searching.

The EBSCOhost version has an intuitive system for limiting results by source types, language, and subject classification names (as opposed to class numbers). It also takes advantage of the library’s Journal Linker to find alternative sources for published works whereas the AMS version only links directly to the original publication. You can also simultaneously search MathSciNet and other databases using the EBSCOhost version.

Both versions of MathSciNet are included in the library’s list of databases:

2016 Le Moyne Annual Student Art Show

April 1 – April 29, 2016

Le Moyne College will host the Annual Student Art Show in the Wilson Art Gallery of the Noreen Reale Falcone Library. The exhibit opens on Friday, April 1, and will run through Friday, April 29, and can be seen during regular library hours.

Le Moyne Annual Student Art Show

The exhibit will be composed of a diverse collection of student art, including sculpture, painting, drawing and photography. Each reflects the variety of experiences and sources of inspiration of the individuals who created them.

An opening reception will be held in the Wilson Art Gallery on Friday, April 1, from 4 – 6 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, call (315) 445-4153.

Le Moyne Book Club: April 13

Come join the Le Moyne College Book Club on Wednesday, April 13 as we discuss The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. We will be meeting in the Bernat Special Activities Room in the Noreen Reale Falcone Library from 7-8:30 pm. Refreshments will be served!

Please contact Kari Zhe-Heimerman ( with any questions.

Library Gets New Furniture!

For the first time since 1981 (when the current library was opened), there is new furniture in the library! Come on over and try out the new soft seating that is sprinkled throughout the first floor. You can work by yourself in a chair with a built in arm desk, or you can push two chairs together for a cozy couch to share with a friend.

Most of the old furniture was moved to the second floor of the Library, greatly enhancing the soft seating available up there as well. So no matter where you like to work in the Library, you’ll likely find more seating options available for you.

This new furniture has come about mainly in response to student feedback and requests – so we thank you for your input and your help in making the Library a more comfortable place!


Story revised: Feb. 19